Go sit with a tree

When you are sad, despair, uncertain in your life, go sit with a tree. The tree has no idea, opinion, judgement about why you are crying. He just stands there in all he is and ever can be, in presence and at the same time with all his scares, years of growth and majestic crowns. He is strong and vulnerable at the same time, bare and rich in green, buckled and straight – so many facets in yet one and the same being. He doesn't question it. Why would he? What more can he be than he already is?

I feel fortunate to live in Brooklyn just a ten-minute walk from Prospect Park by foot and I go there every morning in the earliest hours just when the day starts to unfold. 

I consider it a huge gift to be so close to nature in a city where you see people jogging aside a six-lane highway. They are used to it. They simple don't question it anymore. And, above all, they feel they don't have a choice. Observing this disconnection and separation from nature as our very source, mother, sustainer and union of all life – our remembrance, indeed, of our deepest essence – is in some moments science fiction like for me here. 


I took this picture in the park the other day. I don't know this guy and I didn't take it because of him. I took it because the stillness of this moment in time made me pause during my walk for a little while just standing there in awe. Would you think that you are in one of the largest and most bustling cities in the world? He didn't see me or opened his eyes. All was utterly peaceful and quiet. See his smile? Not a huge smile. A Buddha smile. We shared the same space not knowing each other or him even noticing me. Silence speaks. And I continued walking.

When I don't have answers to any situation in my life or when I'm really at a point when I simply don't know further, I go and sit with a tree. I hug a tree, lean against or gently touch a tree. And I listen. Just listen to the tree. This is neither abstract nor esoteric. No. THE ESSENCE OF PRESENCE VIBRATES AND YOU CAN CONNECT WITH ITS FREQUENCY AND RECONNECT WITH THAT PLACE WITHIN YOU THAT KNOWS.

And you can also ask your question directly. Put it out there and see what comes. You need no outer instrument to channel anything for you. You are the one who knows when you allow yourself to open up to it. YOU ARE THE INTUITIVE ONE AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN. The only responsibility that you have is to surround yourself regularly (!), especially in these times of massive energy shifts of our present times, with an environment that supports your very nature and this fragile, vulnerable and yet so unique and clear voice within you that longs for your receptivity. 

Go sit with a tree and listen, my friend. 

Let it come, give it a moment in this presence. Sink into it, just be quiet. And don't tell me that you don't have time. If there is a place searching in you for what you think you have forgotten or lost somewhere on the way – go sit with a tree.

I meet you there. 




All texts that I share are based on my own experiences and/or of the people I work with.

I encourage you to only take what resonates with you to find your own truth and wisdom. Please feel free to share! Thank you!

Love, Tina

For information about sessions, mentoring or appointments on location, via Skype or telephone please contact me on +49 179 4600153, on my US cell +1 347 282 3160 or write an email to: mail@tinaguthknecht.com

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

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